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Sunday, June 13, 2010


just this Saturday, i attended a leadership conference in the university.there were three speakers but one thing one particular speaker said remained with me, she said,"be careful who and what you believe".i could not agree more with her and i could not help but wonder how much what we choose to believe affects life many people say many things to us and tell us to do certain things. people have spoken into our lives and even predicted for us where will will go.that's perfectly normal about life.
however true that may be we need to be picky,choosy and selective about who we believe.its a tricky game of balance but we need to learn it sooner rather than later.people will come to you with all manner of intentions, ideas, thoughts, direction, judgment, criticism, name it, they have it ready for you.sometimes the things that are said to us are so many and we wonder who and what to is not an easy question to answer as we try to separate the truth from fiction,the plain talk and concrete reality.
with all the voices around you, pick the ones that seek to build you, to make you grow (this includes positive criticism by the way).as for the rest filter them out because the value they add to your life may not mean much.we need not accommodate or tolerate words that do not add value in our live neither the people that insist on saying them.we need to reach a point where we seek to grow, to become better and we decide to pick the things that will allow us to get is about adding value to what we already have,otherwise why would we go to school,go to work,start businesses? we are constantly on a quest to better our lives.before you let something get to your mind,asses it and make sure it adds value to your life.if it is negative,asses the truth behind it and if there is any,seek to change it but at no cost should you believe the report of those who add no value.
choose carefully who and what you believe for it is these things that shape your life.....

cheers and have a great week...

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