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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


"tell me I'll forget,show me i may remember,involve me and I'll understand"- anonymous

a group of us in church we recently discussed how things change when you involve yourself in them.the fact that you only appreciate something when you get involved in the making.before i was an usher i never knew the work that went into making a service happen but now i know.i appreciate every time i walk into the sanctuary and find things in place,i know someone spent time preparing it.
the only way to truly appreciate anything therefore is to get involved in it,for through involvement you gain understanding.when you try doing it yourself or walking someone in a journey,you too begin to see like they see, feel like they feel and hence understand them more intricately.
if someone is having a hard time appreciating something,try involving them in it,try walking them through it so that they may see like you see.someone thinks the work you do is easy,well try showing them what you do,if possible let them do it.chances are they will see just how it is for you.if they still don't see it involve them for a longer period,somethings do need time to understand.
the basic principle however is that there is hidden knowledge in involvement.there are some things that cannot be put into words hence experiencing them first hand is the only way to learn them and appreciate them.if you do not spend time involving yourself in something or at least trying to involve yourself in it,you may end up having trouble truly appreciating it.spending time on something trying to figure it out will eventually help you to figure it out.what do you want to appreciate?what do you want to understand?
have an involving day wont you....

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