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Saturday, June 19, 2010


i was reading the newspaper on Saturday morning and i came across something very striking.apparently people in come we stay relationship marriages are happier for the obvious reason that there is no commitment.their marriages seemed to last longer than the average church married couple.well am not about o do counseling i just want to point out a peculiar finding.
the one thing that struck me is that the couples all confessed to living in fear if the other leaving them for someone else yet it was considered the biggest advantage to them,that they can walk in or out whenever they i read it, it occurred to me that the things that are worth working for in life,be it a job,good grades,good friends,a good lifestyle,a happy home e.t.c all those things need a level of commitment, the higher it is the better the results.if you want to know just how passionate someone is toward something,just watch their commitment towards whatever that thing is. on the other hand we as human beings forget that commitment is a price we pay,not a gift we get. to be committed to one thing, one idea, one path means to forfeit another.
yes you may do something with just a little commitment,but the truth is that thing is not really worth is not something you are scared of losing,it does not mean much to will not forfeit your life for it and neither will its loss affect your life in a drastic does not hold a central place in your life and hence you are able to give it that 50% commitment.
it may be a painful truth for some people to hear but it is only through commitment and dedication to a certain cause that we can achieve it.i cannot imagine what life would be like if great people like Einstein were not committed to their work,what would we have?
my two cents are these,if you truly want to take something to the next level,if you want to experience its excellence,if you want to marvel at its beauty,then commit yourself to that cause.when you are committed,failure is not something you will take kindly and hence a spirit of excellence is born...for the couples that enjoy the come we stay,i would love to ask what is better,knowing the person you live with and love can walk out any day or knowing they are there no matter what.freedom from commitment is a lighter form of captivity in a world of second best and never goes Tom Flores once said "A total commitment is paramount to reaching the ultimate in performance." and as Frank Lloyd Wright also said "I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unrelenting devotion to the things you want to see happen"

have a commitment filled week....

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