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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


when i heard someone mentioning the 'consumer culture' i never thought much of it until i really got to see what this person meant. you see as humans for most part we always want, i want this i want that,i wish this, i wish that...its our natural language.ask anybody what they want (i am no exception)and they won't fail to give you a drop down list.ask the same person what they are willing to give in return and they have little or no idea.
what we do is consume,consume and consume some more,at this rate we will never replenish our world and we will have nothing to show for it after a while.i wish i would want less and give more, i wish that for every one thing i want i have extra to give.the concept of good measure shaken together running over will never get old.this is a project (of the many that i have)i will mark in my life calender, i want to stop this madness the world has brought about in me, the madness that cares not for what it leaves but what it can gain,the madness that goes out to the world as a hungry child and not a giving parent, the madness that cares about me and I, the madness that depletes this planet of the true meaning of life.
i am a culprit of being a demanding person, i demand a lot from people and myself.most of the time i am conspiring how i will get a particular thing i desire.this is a culture we all have and frankly speaking it has began to drain me and make my life lose meaning.if who i am is what i get,when i do not get what becomes of me?-that is a question we all need to ask today.
when you begin to look at the world with an eye of giving, of building, of replenishing then life will truly begin to make sense,days will start to seem shorter, more exiting,you will become busy and much happier.people will respond to you in a much different way because you will finally make a true difference in this thing called life.
next time you feel like 'consuming' look at how much better it is to just always it is not the easiest thing to do but it sure is a good feeling to have.begin to save more often than you spend, begin to conspire to give more of yourself,begin to take things to a different level,begin to have bigger eyes than those that only see you.start figuring out how not to consume so much from the environment around you and the people around you too!

do have a consumer free week wont you....

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