i have been missing in action for some time now...apologies to my readers, am back now.
anyway, the one thing i love about writing this blog is that i learn from it. i get the opportunity to learn from life, share what i have learned and record it also.just the other day i was discussing something with my dearest sister,it was the topic of life being a journey. as i see it life is in itself an intricate journey of which we know not where we are going but we savor every moment of it.we are not on the same journey, we all have different paths, different destinies. no two paths are the same, we just cross paths.
i don't know what your journey is all about, but i know it has got nothing to do with walking on someone Else's path. in life instead of traveling our own road,live our own experiences we are too busy trying to outlive the next person.he has this, she did that, he bought this,she succeeded in that...e.t.c are all comments we make as we try to outdo the other person.what we never realize is that this person is on their own path and their life worked out that way for them.you may try to end up like they have but truth is,that is their luck,their path in life landed them there.as you try to get there you end up losing track of your own life and your own path.sadly you will be disappointed that their path wasn't yours and no matter how much you try you will not get to exactly where they are not because you are not good enough but because that is not your journey.
instead of trying to live like someone else to be like someone else,why don't you try to find out out how traveling your own path feels like,why don't you get out there and see the undiscovered world beyond.do not sit and be dissatisfied by your life,don't look at the next person and wonder what they have or who they are,remember they have a different path,different circumstances,different opportunities,different experiences,different desires, different ambitions and much more difference with you life.
i could never be a programmer at the age of 13 like Bill Gates but i am one now,we had different breaks in life,different paths.your path means taking a little longer to finish school,don't envy your friend who gets to finish school within two years...that's their path!!-those are just examples to get my point home.look at your own path and get to see why you are where you are and be happy with it.when you are going your way in life,others shouldn't bother you,they don't know what your journey is all about.
basically i have my journey, with my own path, i intend to travel it and discover it, i intend to live it to the full, i intend to make the best of it and celebrate it too.you have your journey,do the same with it, we all have our journey....just travel it...
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