a wise man once said that there are two people in this world 'those who dream,wake up and still keep dreaming' and 'those who dream wake up and chase their dreams'.that is not my topic of discussion today but i have two other categories,'those who dream,chase their dream, get tired at some point and stop chasing' and 'those who dream,chase their dreams,when tired they just revive their dreams'
the first category is where most of us lie,we dream, chase our dreams,force reality to come with us but when we meet challenges and our dreams go further away , we give in, give up, leave it for 'the dreamers'.we wake up and lie to ourselves that "c'mon this is reality,that isn't gonna happen" then we revert back to the annoying normal of life and complain that things never seem to happen.we begin to restrict ourselves to the 'glass ceiling' that we have set upon our own selves, the limitations we blame reality for yet we are the ones who put them there.when we get to this point where we live for the normal, life begins to slowly fade, to lose meaning, to lose flair. it is when we begin to wonder,'why am i here anyway?this points out one thing,when we were created we were meant for something great, something big,something to be a legacy.the standard trade mark on us was that of greatness.when we lose sight of our greatness we lose sight of our very own selves!!!
i don't know what you have met on your way to your dream, but you have to shake it off and keep chasing. i know people who have met jail,mockery, opposition,scorning,no finances,despair but they still chased on...Part2 describes these people....
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