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Thursday, August 5, 2010


So we are happily back from the whole katiba vyb. as Kenyans I am proud of the peace we kept, I wasn’t sure it was going to work… so far so good. Anyway, judging from the elections that have gone on there are a few Kenyan habits we must uproot if we are to go forward.
1. It’s not about winning but about integrity.
You see the major reason there was instability in 2007 is because the people were so fixated on winning they forgot human life. It was, ‘our man must win by all means’. For this reasons we as Kenyans created a man eat man society where there must be a loser and a winner and did I mention the winner must call the shots in this country? When you want to win so badly, you lose your mind in the process whether you win or lose, u will crack. When you are driven by integrity of choice then you are able to work best with whatever the outcome and for me I think this is what this country needs. Instead of forever crying foul or trampling each other to win, working with integrity shall surely save us.
2. Last names are just that…last names.
So what if you are a njoroge, otieno, chepkemoi, a mutiso? Is that any indication of who you are? In my world that just identifies you, period it doesn’t make you who you are. I still dream of the day this nonsense of Kikuyus this, wajaluo that, kalenjins this wakamba that will end and we can look at each other as kenyans. Honestly where has that backward way of thinking taken us in the last 47 NOWHERE!!I will agree there is some tribalistic attachment to the way things were done in this country by the previous regimes of government but like mahatma Gandhi said “an eye for an eye will make India blind” so let’s stop making Kenya blind!!We must not pay back for the previous regimes.
3. Crowd mentality
With all due respect Kenyans think together, like a pack. No wonder disagreeing with someone may earn you a black eye as you are seen as a non- supporter. Look we all have our opinions, so what if we think differently? It will not make the ugali in my stomach to taste better if I side with you. We must learn to make choices for us and by us regardless what the crowd is busy engineering.
4. Sisi ni watu way of life.
This must be the most ridiculous one kabisa. People please it has to stop being about following a certain personality to following virtue and integrity. We put leaders in place not the other way around. Judgment must be based on what we think is right not this pragmatic “kama nani amesema, ata mimi nitasema” surely? We must be better decision makers. I don’t know how any better I can put that.
5. They will bring change
Who’s they? It’s you initiative to do something where you can. If you are waiting for ‘they’ to do it, wake up and smell the coffee, ‘they’ has not been doing it for many years don’t imagine they will start now. The recent referendum was one I am proud of. Regardless of the winner the fact that Kenyans turned up to vote was simply a huge indication of initiative. Better yet a larger percentage of the population actually read the constitution…at least all hope is not lost; we might get out of this rut sometime….

Disclaimer : this post was an expression of thought not a campaign for either side.

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