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Friday, June 18, 2010


so there we have it men struggle just as much as women do.their past has damaged their reputations and women no longer trust them as much as before.they constantly try to prove themselves,that they are good and those that went before them just made mistakes.they are made to apologize for the mistakes of their forefathers yet others are punished for sins committed.the good ones struggle the most trying to redefine manhood,to give it back the honor and integrity it has lost.they try to turn back the clock and seek forgiveness for the blood they shed and lives wasted.i cannot imagine that being easy for anyone to do but i will dare say it starts with one decide what you want to be remembered for,chart a new path and find direction within the word of right according to his word and the rest will find its way of coming back.let not the past define your future but be the man you desire to see.the past may have determined your present but not your future.go forth with courage and be the man you desire to be....
on the other hand there are too have struggles and expectations from others to fulfill. the truth is,you are never going to be everyone's best friend-live with the few enemies there are.look at yourself through the eyes ogf the most high,be right according to his will and quit waiting for people to validate you and to say you are doing the right thing.use the gifts bestowed upon you to get as far as the earth ends,for those gifts were laid within you by the most high and DID NOT make a mistake placing them in you.he had a grand plan for it,go ahead and unlock the end of the day so long as you smile at the results of your life and you have done what is right,do not loose sleep over those who intend to discourage you.look forth to the future with wisdom,love and courage.

its no longer a struggle but a winning road to the destiny defined by God for the human he imagined us to be.that's the road we have now....

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