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Friday, May 21, 2010


this was a thought shared by my sister funny to realize we were thinking the same thing!!anyway here is the lesson we saw in different circumstances.....

At times in life we just have to learn that you can do all you can do and all you know how to but still nothing comes up or nothing comes out of will try your best, push your hardest, give your best shot but still...nothing. E.g

- You can eat healthy food to protect your self from diseases but you still get sick. You can drink clean water all your life but still get typhoid.

- You can go to the best schools, get A's in your academics, but still get trouble finding a good job that you can apply your skills. It can even get worse when you get called for numerous interviews and the interviewers complement you and they don’t take the bold step to employ you.

- You can be the most lovely human being but still have enemies. Believe it or not Mandela too has enemies.

- You can work hard at your business and at school but the results don’t show your hard work if anything they are the opposite

- You can be the best parent you know how to but still your kids turn out bad or you can be the best kids but still have bad parents
this is the point where you realize there is a higher power than you,whether you are christian or not. it teaches you that there is more to life than your abilities. It humbles you and reminds you that when all is said and done you are just but human. It teaches you not to judge others for they might have tried more than their level best but still they just don’t get it right; in a certain teaches you not to point fingers thinking you are the best in the market for even you have met that road block you cant help. it teaches you not to blame others for their position but to realize they are just human and uncertainties too happen to them.
when you get to that point you realize that life sometimes doesn't work out.not because you are wrong or you cant get it but because stuff just happens.its not his fault,not your fault,no one is unfair...its just life in action.for sure it will discourage you,frustrate you and bring you to your knees but the point is not to break you it is to make you.

Of course this is not to encourage mediocrity or a spirit of giving up, it is just to help us be humble, not to judge others and realize that we are only human and we do need the intervention of divine nature in this walk of is for us to realize that when all is said and done we do have our moments of inequities even though we are the best there is. the spirit of humility finally finds a home in us as we begin to see that just cant understand it,fathom it, but we can adopt the very best nature to deal with it.

that right there was a reality check for me, i don't know what it was for you but this is something worth thinking about.

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